Industrial IR picosecond laser – AOPico Montauk – 1064

Features & Benefits:

  • All-in-one compact design for ease of integration
  • Excellent beam quality
  • Burst modes
  • Pulse-on-demond function

AOPico Montauk – 1064 picosecond laser adopts a compact all-in-one design, which effectively simplifies the design of the customer’s system and brings fast and low-cost integration. Proprietary cavity design can generate a 10ps pulse, maintaining superior performance and reliable long-term power stability.

The power ranges from 10, 20, 30 and 50 W and has a wide frequency range, from single shot to 1 MHz, and delivers more than 30 W power at 100 kHz. The pulse energy is up to 300 μJ.

The bursts mode and pulse-on-demand function are standard features. The pulse-on-demand function is achieved through a 5 V TTL signal. There are four control modes available. They are rising edge trigger, falling edge trigger, high-level trigger, and low-level trigger. This laser provides the customers with a high-quality high scanning speed laser process.

AOPico Montauk -1064 laser has unparalleled advantages in transparent and brittle materials cutting, such as glass, sapphire, full screen, etc. Not only the cutting thickness range is wide, but also cutting quality is excellent, which leads to  minimal dust and no chipping or micro-cracks. It can achieve high bending strength and almost non-taper cutting for arbitrary shape (straight lines, curves, round holes, and more).

Key Specifications:

Wavelength 1064 nm
Average power 10/20/30/50W
Repetition Rate 1000/100/100/50 kHz
Beam Quality (M^2) 1.2
Pulse Duration 12 ps
Pulse-to-Pulse Stability (RMS) 2 %

Please contact us to know more or to request a quotation.